
Just playing around with an idea for a game timer and thought I’d share the results for anyone who might need something similar. Basically, this is just an ‘odometer’ style scrolling number thing that counts down from a specified number of seconds to 0. It only allows 2 digits, meaning you can only count down […]

A little year end 2D physics fun. Just allow web cam access and use your arrow keys to balance heads on a platter. Kinda like being King Herod without all the mess. [kml_flashembed publishmethod=”static” fversion=”10.0.0″ movie=”” width=”500″ height=̶

My wife mentioned something about Spirographs yesterday, so I thought “hey – why not make one in actionscript”. Two seconds of googling found the formulas I was looking for (as well as a nifty java example), and about 10 minutes of coding had something up and running in Flash. Play around with the sliders and […]

When I saw a tweet from @drwoohoo with a link pointing to this page on how to build a 3d scanner, my first reaction was to jump up and ask the guys here at work where our projector was. Well, as it turns out, unfortunately, our projector has been either misappropriated or misplaced. Not to […]

And now for something completely different… The other day, for reasons I can’t even explain to myself, I googled for metaball examples. No real need, I just rather like the way they look, all blobby and stuff. Well, one of the first things to come up was this nifty example in Java by Gordon Williams. […]

You know, you’d think with all the 3D crap I’ve been playing with lately that I actually like the stuff. I’m really not that into 3D work in Flash. I just had to try out Augmented reality when it first came around and seemed to get sucked into it all. I guess it really is […]

I’ll be the first to admit, I’m no 3D programmer – but whenever I needed it in Flash, I just used Papervision3D. It seems the default standard these days and the amount of available information, documentation, and tutorials seems endless. For quite some time though, I’ve been wanting to try out Away3D. The folks who […]

Just finished work on a simple little bowling game using the JiglibFlash physics engine and Papervision3D. It’s not a fully functional game as there are no frames or score keeping, but it was made as an example file for a tutorial so was deliberately kept simple. To play, first click on the little green rectangle […]

So I just got my grubby little paws on Keith Peters’ latest book, “Advanced Actionscript 3.0 Animation”. I couldn’t even get past chapter 2 before I had to try out some stuff on my own. Chapter 2 is all about steering behaviours for AI animated movement. If you’re not familiar with the concept of steering behaviours, […]

In honor of Samuel Morse’s birthday, thought I’d throw out this quick little “tool”. Now, back to work… package com.onebyonedesign.extras { import flash.utils.Dictionary; /** * Converts strings of letters and numbers to Morse code. * @author Devon O. Wolfgang */ public class Morse { private var _morseDict:Dictionary = new Dictionary(); pu