
So, perusing teh internets once again, looking for something interesting to play around with, I came across this blog post of Pavan Podila (from 2008!). In the post, Pavan presents a WPF pixel shader which warps an image using bezier curves. I thought I’d have a go and reproduce the effect in AGAL and plunk […]

Just in case you happened to miss it, the most recent version of the Starling Framework (the one which you can pull from Github, that is) now supports custom filters. You can check out the official announcement here. Using filters in Starling couldn’t be easier – you just assign a filter to the filter property […]

Not sure what got me started on this project. Perhaps it was listening to too much Meat Beat Manifesto in the late 80’s. Or maybe it was my wife who got me to sit down and watch the Scratch documentary. Whatever the hell it was, I’ve been wanting to make a decent vinyl scratch app […]

One of the things that really appealed to me about ND2D over the Starling Framework was the ability to scroll textures by manipulating their UV coordinates like this. Obviously this could come in pretty darned handy for space games, side scrollers, etc, etc. Well, as it turns out, doing the same thing is also pretty easy in […]

So after making my Starling Particle Editor, I thought I’d take the time to actually build a little something in the framework. And what better thing than a Zombie Shooting Gallery made with the help of my wonderful wife. It’s a 3 meg download with a boring preloader, but it’s fairly well worth the wait. To […]

So I finally had time to sit down and have a bit of a play with the Starling 2D framework for Flash’s GPU accelerated Stage3D the other day (as well as read through the extensive and thorough documentation). It looks to me quite promising and certainly fun to play with  (although this tweet from Iain […]

Many moons ago, I got the idea to create some demoscene plane deformation effects in Flash based on the formulas found here: http://www.iquilezles.org/www/articles/deform/deform.htm. I posted my less than desired results up on wonderfl. Thankfully, fellow wonderfl user, Hasufel, forked my attempt and optimized the hell out of it coming up with this. Well, today, for

So, on Friday I just wrapped up our latest project at vStream Digital Media, a Kinect powered flipbook that lets users flip through the hand written notebooks of Philip Lynott of Thin Lizzy. The app uses OpenNI, runs in Adobe AIR and is currently on display at a pretty bitchin’ Phil Lynott exhibition running in […]

So we finally got a Kinect camera hooked up to a pc at work and, while it doesn’t seem to be legal to use it for commercial projects (but, hey, I’m no lawyer), the boss asked me to get it figured out and come up with some ideas just in case it would be feasible […]

I am rather pleased and excited to say that I have just completed my first AIR for Android game. Now, I will be the first to admit, it may not be the most exciting game in the world, but it is exactly the type of game I would enjoy (and have enjoyed) playing on the […]