
After taking another look at this post, I came up with a way of making multiple windows that will all blur the same image. I have to admit, though, I’m not particularly fond nor proud of the way I did it. The trouble is this: a masked display object can only have a single mask […]

I was checking out a website yesterday when it suddenly reminded me of a Pixelfumes experiment I remembered seeing many moons ago. After finding it with a quick Google search, just for kicks, I decided to play around and update the idea to AS3. I didn’t bother with the constant updating to accomadate video as that seemed […]

I was playing with Dreamweaver the other day, just to see what kind of non Flash platform technologies are available these days, when something caught my eye. That “something” was the Collapsible Panel widget – part of the Spry/ajax framework that comes with Dreamweaver. It seemed to me that with just a minimal amount of […]

Just finished retooling a small package of six user interface tool/widget classes. While not extremely customizable, they are very lightweight (being entirely scripted). And of course you are welcome to mess with the script to produce something more suited to your own application design. You can check out an example here, view the documentation here, and […]