Just a little bit of quick Friday fun with webcam and bitmapata… [kml_flashembed publishmethod=”static” fversion=”10.0.0″ movie=”http://blog.onebyonedesign.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/warhol.swf” width=”550″ height=”475″ targetclass=”flashmovie”] [/kml_flashembed]

Playing around a bit more with the animated JiglibFlash terrain idea from my last post, I wanted to see how it would work in conjunction with a webcam. So, needless to say, you’ll need a webcam to check out the results below. [kml_flashembed publishmethod=”static” fversion=”10.0.0″ movie=”http://blog.onebyonedesign.com/wp-content/up

I know, I know. Recursive trees are a thing that have been done to death by – well – pretty much everyone. I just picked up a nice book on Processing the other day though and one of the first examples it gives is a nice recursive tree. In order to better understand the java/processing […]

Well another FITC Amsterdam has come and gone and left its indelible mark of energy and inspiration. Thought I’d share a bit of what went on, however I’m writing this from a teensy laptop that came with the flat I’m staying in. It was a much appreciated gesture, but is not very conducive to typing, so this will […]

Just a quickie post to say I’m heading off to FITC Amsterdam tomorrow morning (and rub it in for those who can’t make it. Heh). Still haven’t decided on which presentations to check out (it’s a damn shame they’ve shortened the event to only 2 days and have 4 simultaneous presentations per time slot), or […]

First, let me just say this up front, I will give up Flash when they pry it from my cold dead fingers. When Flash is outlawed only outlaws will code in Actionscript. Add any other cliches you’d like to, here. The point is, I love the Flash Platform and will continue to use it for […]

Ordinarily I limit my posts about Flash here to its usage and just kind of sit on the sidelines when it comes to debates about its future. After all, though I make my living with the Flash Platform, I’m not an Adobe employee and they’re big enough boys to stand up for themselves amidst all […]

Just playing around with an idea for a game timer and thought I’d share the results for anyone who might need something similar. Basically, this is just an ‘odometer’ style scrolling number thing that counts down from a specified number of seconds to 0. It only allows 2 digits, meaning you can only count down […]

Well, it took it’s own sweet time getting here, but here it finally is: 2010. No rocket cars or jet backs, but we do have video conferencing, holograms, and the ever increasing cybersprawl that is the web today, so sci fi and cartoons didn’t completely lie to us. And, maybe it’s just me, but it […]

A little year end 2D physics fun. Just allow web cam access and use your arrow keys to balance heads on a platter. Kinda like being King Herod without all the mess. [kml_flashembed publishmethod=”static” fversion=”10.0.0″ movie=”http://blog.onebyonedesign.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/heads.swf” width=”500″ height=̶

My wife mentioned something about Spirographs yesterday, so I thought “hey – why not make one in actionscript”. Two seconds of googling found the formulas I was looking for (as well as a nifty java example), and about 10 minutes of coding had something up and running in Flash. Play around with the sliders and […]

More Halloween fun: Pickled Punk’s Magic Mirror of Horror! A webcam is required. Some features – face detection/augmented reality, and the ability to save images to your local pc or post them  to Twitter via Twitpic (I apologize to my few Twitter and Facebook followers for all the testing/spam). Enjoy!