The other day I saw someone (@bartek, perhaps?) tweet a link to the JAM Html5 and Flash contest or event or whatever it is. The theme is to create a visual musical instrument in either HTML5 or Flash. Of course I opted on Flash, created a wonderfl account and crafted the below. Basically, it uses […]

Part I The other day my wife stumbled across this excellent Soulwire post on making glitches in image files and asked if I could do the same thing with video. Without actually reading the blog post, I just said sure, no problem. Well, after actually reading the article, it turned out to be a little […]

The other day I sat in on an online dotBrighton talk on openFrameworks by James Alliban. One of the things he happened to mention in the hour or so long talk, was Graffiti Markup Language. Now this wasn’t the first I’d heard of the subject – I heard the term before in a session at […]

Been awhile since any worthwhile posts, yet here I am, once again in Brighton for the always inspirational Flash on the Beach conference and thought that, like last year, I’d recap a few of the local goings on and shenanigans. This year the shindig opened with a few off color remarks regarding blow jobs by […]

While just randomly browsing through wonderfl yesterday, I came across this little actionscripted bayer filter that I really liked (the one you get when you click the button labelled ‘Bayer’, that is). Now, seeing as how I’ve been trying to learn some Pixel Bender coding lately (thanks to a little inspiration from Ralph Hauwert) I […]

Haven’t been too active around here lately due to a major on going project at work lately as well as the fact that my wife and I are in the slow process of moving homes. Really, the only free time it seems I have these days is during the lunch hour. So, over the past […]

Need some beeps, boops, or bops, to go with your UI or games? Here’s a quickie for you. Got the idea from my Making Waves post. Just mess around with the sliders (or choose a preset), press ‘play’ to preview the sound, and ‘save’ to save the sound locally as a .wav file. There’s a […]

It’s official. My wife just confirmed the hotel reservation where we’ll be staying the night of the Current 93 show in London on May 28. For those unfamiliar with Current 93, they are a band that rose from the depths of the early 80’s British industrial scene with the likes of such greats as Psychic […]

In a previous post, “Digging into the Microphone in Flash Player 10.1”, reader David Law asked in the comments how it would be possible to save .wav files to the server. I wasn’t sure right offhand, but thought I’d spend my lunch hour yesterday looking into it. Well, after reading this quick tutorial on Adobe […]

The other day I got the notion in my head that I wanted to draw some bezier curves in an animated fashion. I’m sure this has been done a million times before, but sometimes reinventing the wheel can be a good learning experience, so I turned to my good friend Wikipedia for some quick explanation. […]

Just a quick little thing I got an idea for (i.e. pretty much ripped off) while browsing Processing examples. Mouse click to show or hide the video. Stay still a bit then make some sudden movements (the ‘stars’ are motion sensitive). [kml_flashembed publishmethod=”static” fversion=”10.0.0″ movie=”

As a few folks may have noticed, the blog is looking a little bit different as of today. I figured 2010 would be a good time to completely revamp the old blog, but really didn’t see anything that appealed to me all that much. Then my wonderful wife just happened to run across this new […]