The other day I saw someone (@bartek, perhaps?) tweet a link to the JAM Html5 and Flash contest or event or whatever it is. The theme is to create a visual musical instrument in either HTML5 or Flash. Of course I opted on Flash, created a wonderfl account and crafted the below. Basically, it uses […]
Glitchy Video
Part I The other day my wife stumbled across this excellent Soulwire post on making glitches in image files and asked if I could do the same thing with video. Without actually reading the blog post, I just said sure, no problem. Well, after actually reading the article, it turned out to be a little […]
A Little Friday Graffiti
The other day I sat in on an online dotBrighton talk on openFrameworks by James Alliban. One of the things he happened to mention in the hour or so long talk, was Graffiti Markup Language. Now this wasn’t the first I’d heard of the subject – I heard the term before in a session at […]
Abstract Expressionism – With Extreme Prejudice
While scouring the web for interesting stuff the other day, I just happened to run across this great site of Processing examples. This site is actually a companion site to a book by Matt Pearson (aka zenbullets), former (and still occasional) actionscripter turned processor (is that the word for those who use Processing?) One of […]
FOTB 2010 – Some Closing Thoughts and some Play Time
Well, it’s now a week or so after the conference and I figured high time to share some final thoughts on the event. I meant to write 2nd and 3rd day in review posts, however, due to lack of time, a lack of notes, and a memory waning like the moon, I decided instead just […]