Well, my wife’s first installation gallery exhibit came to an official close today. She had a great, albeit stressful, time and the response from the general gallery going public were fantastic. I can now officially say that I’m married to an artist. Can’t wait for the next exhibit.     In other news, just updated […]

Well, since all my friends did it, I finally jumped off the bridge and started using Twitter. Still not entirely sure what the real point is. Seems it has some good intentions – 0-day news, updates, notifications, etc. But mainly it seems a way of finding out when complete strangers are stuck in traffic, taking […]

Started out the day with Andre Michelle’s “Boing-Bumm-Tschak (Flash 10 Sound API)” presentation. Very beautiful stuff. The biggest thing learned here is that manipulating sound is not so different from manipulating graphic items. That is, reverb is nothing more than a basic “easeout” formula and flanging is just elasticity applied to sou

Just got back to the great loft apartment I’m staying at in Amsterdam and thought I’d jot down some impressions thoughts and notes of Day One of the sold out FITC conference while they’re still fresh in me little noggin. First up was the Keynote opening featuring Serge Jespers, Lee Brimelow, Mike Chambers, and Paul […]

Another great American hero gone on February 4. Lux Interior of the Cramps, dead of a heart condition at the age of 62 (God, I’m old)… Rolling Stone news article here and great live video here. Sad day…

Yes, it’s the same bit of Flash animation I posted last New Year’s, but now with added 3d ‘splosions thanks to the magic of Flash Player 10. [kml_flashembed fversion=”10.0.0″ movie=”http://blog.onebyonedesign.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/12/fw.swf” useexpressinstall=”true” publishmethod=”static” width=&#

So much going on all at once as this year draws to a close… The Essential Guide to Flash CS4 AIR Development is now in stock at Amazon! I worked as Technical Reviewer on this thing and can say in all honesty, this is a very good book from Marco Casario, et al. For those […]

Turn your boring old photographs into boring old polaroids with the amazing new Polarizer! Click on the camera to browse for an image file (.jpg) to upload. Ideally the image should be 516px. by 516px. Square images will look the best – otherwise, expect some distortion (in other words, all photos will be set to […]