One By One Design

Some Windchimes and More from FOTB

So I got an idea into my head while at Flash on the Beach. This quick example I made pretty much has nothing to do with it, but it’s a first draft prototype of what I was thinking of. Anyway, check out these windchimes made with jiglibflash and pv3d. Use your mouse to orbit around a little and to see the chimes in action, blow into your microphone (okay, so you can talk, shout, or thump on the mic, if you’d like, but they’re windchimes – why ruin the illusion). One thing I noticed about jiglib is that it seems to register collisions (using the RigidBody.collisions array) even when there aren’t any. Need to look into that, and if anyone has better suggestions for collision detection with jiglib, post ’em here.

And for those interested, here’s a few more videos and pictures from Flash on the Beach ’09. Maybe someday I’ll join the rest of the world and get a Flickr and/or Youtube account for stuff like this…

Here’s a nice video of Joa Ebert demonstrating his Java to .swf compiler. Still blown away by this. After 9 minutes of typing (on a completely unmarked/black keyboard!) Joa hits the compile button and, well, wow… I cut it down to a little under 2 minutes total…

[kml_flashembed fversion=”10.0.0″ movie=”” targetclass=”flashmovie” publishmethod=”static” width=”240″ height=”225″ allowfullscreen=”true”]

Get Adobe Flash player


Deirdre and I just down the street from Oceana.

A nice shot of Brighton in general…

The Brighton Dome from the outside…

And from the inside with the gang all there…

The three Mariachis…

Chuck Freedman introduces himself…

Grant Skinner introduces…

Another look at the pier…

A great looking store (Rin Tin Tin) full of all sorts of crazy crap…

But of course, it’s always great to get home and let the cat out of the fridge…

While I’m thinking of it, be sure to check out Adobe’s new Cookbook portal. Looks like a great resource area!

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