
My wife mentioned something about Spirographs yesterday, so I thought “hey – why not make one in actionscript”. Two seconds of googling found the formulas I was looking for (as well as a nifty java example), and about 10 minutes of coding had something up and running in Flash. Play around with the sliders and hit “draw” to create a little Spirograph masterpiece of your own.

Speaking of controls, the first slider controls the radius of the fixed circle, the second slider controls the radius of the rotating circle, the third slider controls the offset of the “pen tip” in the rotating circle, the checkbox specifies whether you’re drawing outside of the fixed circle or not, the color swatch will let you select a color to draw in, and finally, if you just want to see the thing in action, click on the “Randomize!” button and see what you get.

[kml_flashembed publishmethod=”static” fversion=”10.0.0″ movie=”http://blog.onebyonedesign.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/spiro.swf” width=”550″ height=”450″ targetclass=”flashmovie”]

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If interested, the whole script is below (I used bit-101’s minimal slider, button, and checkbox, and my own color picker, if you’d like to compile this thing):

package { import com.bit101.components.CheckBox; import com.bit101.components.ColorChooser; import com.bit101.components.PushButton; import com.bit101.components.Slider; import com.onebyonedesign.ui.events.ColorEvent; import com.onebyonedesign.ui.OBO_ColorPicker; import flash.display.Bitmap; import flash.display.BitmapData; import flash.display.Sprite; import flash.events.Event; import flash.events.MouseEvent; /** * Spirograph (based on java implementation by Anu Garg http://wordsmith.org/anu/java/spirograph.html) * @author Devon O. */ [SWF(width='550', height='450', backgroundColor='#000000', frameRate='60')] public class Main extends Sprite { private var _outside:Boolean = false; private var _data:BitmapData; private var _spiro:Sprite; private var _xoffset:Number; private var _yoffset:Number; private var _color:uint = 0xFFFF00FF; private var R:int = 1; private var r:int = 1; private var O:int = 1; private var largeRadiusSlider:Slider; private var smallRadiusSlider:Slider; private var cOffsetSlider:Slider; public function Main():void { if (stage) init(); else addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init); } private function init(e:Event = null):void { removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init); _xoffset = stage.stageWidth * .5; _yoffset = stage.stageHeight * .5; _data = new BitmapData(stage.stageWidth, stage.stageHeight, true, 0x00000000); var bmp:Bitmap = new Bitmap(_data); bmp.x -= bmp.width * .5; bmp.y -= bmp.height * .5; _spiro = new Sprite(); _spiro.addChild(bmp); _spiro.x = _xoffset; _spiro.y = _yoffset; addChild(_spiro); initUI(); addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, frameHandler); } private function initUI():void { largeRadiusSlider = new Slider("horizontal", this, 440, 10, setLargeRadius); largeRadiusSlider.minimum = 1; largeRadiusSlider.maximum = 100; smallRadiusSlider = new Slider("horizontal", this, 440, 25, setSmallRadius); smallRadiusSlider.minimum = 1; smallRadiusSlider.maximum = 100; cOffsetSlider = new Slider("horizontal", this, 440, 40, setCircleOffset); cOffsetSlider.minimum = 1; cOffsetSlider.maximum = 100; var outsideCB:CheckBox = new CheckBox(this, 440, 55, "Draw outside", outsideHandler); var colorSelector:OBO_ColorPicker = new OBO_ColorPicker(20, 20, 0xFF00FF); colorSelector.x = 440; colorSelector.y = 70; colorSelector.addEventListener(ColorEvent.COLOR_SELECT, onColor); addChild(colorSelector); var drawButton:PushButton = new PushButton(this, 440, 95, "Draw", drawDesign); var randButton:PushButton = new PushButton(this, 440, 120, "Randomize!", mixItup); } private function setLargeRadius(event:Event):void { R = Math.round(event.currentTarget.value); } private function setSmallRadius(event:Event):void { r = Math.round(event.currentTarget.value); } private function setCircleOffset(event:Event):void { O = Math.round(event.currentTarget.value); } private function outsideHandler(event:MouseEvent):void { _outside = event.currentTarget.selected; } private function onColor(event:ColorEvent):void { setColor(event.color); } private function mixItup(event:MouseEvent):void { R = randRange(100, 1); largeRadiusSlider.value = R; r = randRange(100, 1); smallRadiusSlider.value = r; O = randRange(100, 0); cOffsetSlider.value = O; drawDesign(null); } /** * change 24 bit color to 32 bit */ private function setColor(color:uint):void { var a:uint = 0xFF; var r:uint = color >> 16; var g:uint = color >> 8 & 0xFF; var b:uint = color & 0xFF; _color = a << 24 | r << 16 | g << 8 | b; } private function drawDesign(event:MouseEvent):void { /* Where: R = radius of fixed circle r = radius of moving circle O = offset of "pen point" in moving circle drawing OUTSIDE of fixed circle x = (R+r)*cos(t) - O*cos(((R+r)/r)*t) y = (R+r)*sin(t) - O*sin(((R+r)/r)*t) drawing INSIDE of fixed circle x = (R-r)*cos(t) + O*cos(((R-r)/r)*t) y = (R-r)*sin(t) - O*sin(((R-r)/r)*t) */ var step:Number = .001 * Math.sqrt(r); var t:Number = 360; _data.lock(); // clear previous _data.fillRect(_data.rect, 0x00000000); while (t > 0) { var xp:Number; var yp:Number; if(_outside) { xp = (R + r) * Math.cos(t) - O * Math.cos(((R + r) / r) * t); yp = (R + r) * Math.sin(t) - O * Math.sin(((R + r) / r) * t); } else { xp = (R - r) * Math.cos(t) + O * Math.cos(((R - r) / r) * t) yp = (R - r) * Math.sin(t) - O * Math.sin(((R - r) / r) * t) } xp += _xoffset; yp += _yoffset; _data.setPixel32(xp, yp, _color); t -= step; } _data.unlock(); } private function randRange(max:Number, min:Number = 0, decimals:int = 0):Number { if (min > max) return NaN; var rand:Number = Math.random() * (max-min + Math.pow(10, -decimals)) + min; return int(rand * Math.pow(10, decimals)) / Math.pow(10, decimals); } /** * Just some 3d rotation with ease */ private function frameHandler(event:Event):void { var rx:Number = ((stage.mouseX / stage.stageWidth) - .5) * 2; var ry:Number = ((stage.mouseY / stage.stageHeight) - .5) * 2; var ytr:Number = rx * 30; var xtr:Number = ry * 30; _spiro.rotationY += (-ytr - _spiro.rotationY) / 10; _spiro.rotationX += (xtr - _spiro.rotationX) / 10; } } }