Well, since all my friends did it, I finally jumped off the bridge and started using Twitter. Still not entirely sure what the real point is. Seems it has some good intentions – 0-day news, updates, notifications, etc. But mainly it seems a way of finding out when complete strangers are stuck in traffic, taking a piss, or going to bed. That said, if you’d like to find out when I’m stuck in traffic, taking a piss, or going to bed, you can follow me on Twitter here.
Of course every time I try some new web app, I have to play around with the api. Inspired by a talk by Matthew Ogle of Last.FM at the Dublin Future of Web Applications conference (which I won a free ticket to, incidentally – Woohoo!), I decided to tie in Last.FM to Twitter and so Warbler was born (get it? music, tweeting, songbird, warbler… whatever). Warbler is an AIR application that will display the last 10 recent tracks posted to your Last.FM account and let you “tweet” them with the click of button, thereby sharing your wonderful taste in music with the whole (Twitter) world.
Below are a couple screenshots to get a better idea of what I’m on about:
While functional, Warbler is in a very early alpha/testing phase. Whether it winds up more fully developed or not really depends on the amount of feedback I receive. If you try this out and think you might consider continuing to use it, let me know and give me some ideas about what additional features you’d like to see included. Personally, I wouldn’t mind seeing it added as plugin to Destroy Twitter or some other Twitter client (my wife’s idea), but that’s a whole ‘nother story…
Download the zipped .air file here and start tweeting your music. Enjoy!
UPDATE: Warbler has been updated to 1.0 status with new design and pretty much all the features suggested in the comments on this page. See some details and download the newest version here. If you’ve already installed the earlier version, it will need to be uninstalled before installing the latest. That bit of inconvenience won’t be necessary going forward.
8 March, 2009