Adobe Gone Wild

Wow – what a busy day for Adobe. AIR 1.0 and Flex 3.0 final versions finally released today. Rather an odd thing as it seems I’ve been doing AIR projects for ages. One wonderful thing I noticed right away: after installing the Adobe AIR runtime file (short for Adobe Adobe Integrated Runtime runtime – redundancy aplenty in that signal), I was still able to run AIR applications created in the last beta release. None of those annoying “The application you are trying to run was created in an earlier version of AIR yadda yadda” messages. Very nice.

Also noteworthy – the new Adobe opensource page, featuring such opensource projects as the Flex SDK, BlazeDS, Tamarin, Adobe Media Gallery, Webkit (which sounds interesting) and others. Quite a heaping steaming plateful. Not sure what I want to do first – a new Flex project, a new AIR app., or figure out what the hell this BlazeDS is all about. Or I could work on the current freelance Flash job that’s actually paying, I suppose. And then there’s always my actual “job” with the navy, but nuts to that. I’m a busy man…

Check out all the goodies at:

tools and opensource

You know, I was watching the Matrix take off video over at, the other day. Funny stuff and all (well, as funny as uptight nerds and geeks can be), but it got me thinking. Adobe really is everywhere these days. Seems every time I watch a recent movie release or watch any tv at all, I find myself counting the number of After Effects plugins. Every magazine you open just stinks of Photoshop and Illustrator. And you certainly can’t swing a dead cat across the internet without hitting a .swf or .pdf. Kind of creepy in a way. Good job security, one supposes.

In other news…Â

The latest Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds album, “Dig, Lazarus, Dig!”, freaking rocks. I know because I just got it from my wonderful wife…

And from our Film Dept. I’ve been using Movie Collector for ca. two years now. Last night, I finally realized it could export an html version of your movie database (yes, I’m just that observant). Not only does it export the html, it actually does it quite well. It’s really a very nice and highly recommended application. But, just for kicks, bravely risking shame, spite, ridcule and contempt, I thought I’d upload my movie collection. Lots of fun for the whole family…
