
It’s official. My wife just confirmed the hotel reservation where we’ll be staying the night of the Current 93 show in London on May 28. For those unfamiliar with Current 93, they are a band that rose from the depths of the early 80’s British industrial scene with the likes of such greats as Psychic […]

Well, it took it’s own sweet time getting here, but here it finally is: 2010. No rocket cars or jet backs, but we do have video conferencing, holograms, and the ever increasing cybersprawl that is the web today, so sci fi and cartoons didn’t completely lie to us. And, maybe it’s just me, but it […]

More Halloween fun: Pickled Punk’s Magic Mirror of Horror! A webcam is required. Some features – face detection/augmented reality, and the ability to save images to your local pc or post them  to Twitter via Twitpic (I apologize to my few Twitter and Facebook followers for all the testing/spam). Enjoy!

A little early Halloween treat. I just love this time of year. By the way, you’ll need your sound on for the full effect. And try moving your mouse across the .swf. For a real Halloween treat, assuming you have about 20 some minutes to kill, I recommend turning off all the lights, turning your […]

Bit of an overcast day today in Brighton, but still fairly comfortable. Started out the day with a bit of a let down. Had to decide between Andre Michelle and Serge Jespers. Unwisely, I picked Jespers who turned out to be a no-show. He was replaced with Mark Doherty who did a fairly good job […]

Another surprisingly beautiful day in Brighton. Started the day with the “Elevator Pitches” session – 20 speakers all talking for 3 minutes each. A few that stood out to me to delve into later:, a generative art blog with source code for download;, where we saw Jon Howard make 3 games in 3 […]

Just pulled into Brighton yesterday afternoon. Rushed down to the dome for early registration and was a bit disappointed to discover there was no special free gift for early registrants as had been going around the twitterverse. The regular swag bag was top quality though. The bag itself is pretty great and actually usable. And […]

Boy everyone in this country is running around yammering about their fucking rights. “I have a right, you have no right, we have a right.” Folks I hate to spoil your fun, but… there’s no such thing as rights. They’re imaginary. We made ’em up. Like the boogie man. Like Three Little Pigs, Pinocio, Mother […]

While living in Sicily a couple years back, I had the opportunity to visit the dilapidated, yet still standing, Abbey of Thelema in Cefalu. The house stands completely surrounded by trees in the shadow of a relatively new soccer (excuse me, I mean football) stadium. The murals orginally painted by Aleister Crowley, painted over by […]

While most of the blogging community is busy recapping the highlights of 2007, all I know is 2008 is the year I get out of the Navy. God bless us, everyone… [kml_flashembed movie=”/wp-content/uploads/2007/12/fw.swf” height=”200″ width=”400″ fversion=”9″ /]