
Another surprisingly beautiful day in Brighton. Started the day with the “Elevator Pitches” session – 20 speakers all talking for 3 minutes each. A few that stood out to me to delve into later: zenbullets.com, a generative art blog with source code for download; swingpants.com, where we saw Jon Howard make 3 games in 3 […]

Just pulled into Brighton yesterday afternoon. Rushed down to the dome for early registration and was a bit disappointed to discover there was no special free gift for early registrants as had been going around the twitterverse. The regular swag bag was top quality though. The bag itself is pretty great and actually usable. And […]

Been extremely busy of late (not complaining), but thought I’d do a quick update post during lunch to get back into the swing of blogging. First, just finished up a little intro tutorial/article on “Getting Started with BetweenAS3”. For those not familiar with it, BetweenAS3 is a great new tweening engine that’s simple as pie […]

Just finished work on a simple little bowling game using the JiglibFlash physics engine and Papervision3D. It’s not a fully functional game as there are no frames or score keeping, but it was made as an example file for a tutorial so was deliberately kept simple. To play, first click on the little green rectangle […]

So I just got my grubby little paws on Keith Peters’ latest book, “Advanced Actionscript 3.0 Animation”. I couldn’t even get past chapter 2 before I had to try out some stuff on my own. Chapter 2 is all about steering behaviours for AI animated movement. If you’re not familiar with the concept of steering behaviours, […]

Just playing around with a little twisty cube idea that’s been percolating in the back o’ me noggin for a bit: [kml_flashembed fversion=”9.0.0″ movie=”http://blog.onebyonedesign.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/mod3d.swf” targetclass=”flashmovie” publishmethod=”static” width=”500″ height=”400&

For those unfamiliar with the AIR Website Generation Tool with the god awful name of Site GeneratAIR (still no good suggestions), check out this old post. Whether familiar with it or not, it has now been updated to version 2.2. New in the latest release: Fixed a minor bug that made the dragged/dropped icons gargantuan […]

Well, my wife’s first installation gallery exhibit came to an official close today. She had a great, albeit stressful, time and the response from the general gallery going public were fantastic. I can now officially say that I’m married to an artist. Can’t wait for the next exhibit.     In other news, just updated […]

Well, since all my friends did it, I finally jumped off the bridge and started using Twitter. Still not entirely sure what the real point is. Seems it has some good intentions – 0-day news, updates, notifications, etc. But mainly it seems a way of finding out when complete strangers are stuck in traffic, taking […]

Started out the day with Andre Michelle’s “Boing-Bumm-Tschak (Flash 10 Sound API)” presentation. Very beautiful stuff. The biggest thing learned here is that manipulating sound is not so different from manipulating graphic items. That is, reverb is nothing more than a basic “easeout” formula and flanging is just elasticity applied to sou

Just got back to the great loft apartment I’m staying at in Amsterdam and thought I’d jot down some impressions thoughts and notes of Day One of the sold out FITC conference while they’re still fresh in me little noggin. First up was the Keynote opening featuring Serge Jespers, Lee Brimelow, Mike Chambers, and Paul […]