
I’ve been waiting for this one! Thibault Imbert of has recently completed a book entitled “Pratique d’ActionScript 3” which was to be published by O’Reilly France. For reasons unspecified, the deal with O’Reilly apparently went belly up. Not one to deprive the world of knowledge, Mssr. Imbert has decided to release th

Just finished retooling a small package of six user interface tool/widget classes. While not extremely customizable, they are very lightweight (being entirely scripted). And of course you are welcome to mess with the script to produce something more suited to your own application design. You can check out an example here, view the documentation here, and […]

They all said the day would come.. But you know the sorts of things “They” like to say… But after returning from another sisyphean week of floating in the Atlantic, I discovered the Good News in my inbox. Back in December I was one of the lucky few (or many – who knows) who was allowed […]

Wow – what a busy day for Adobe. AIR 1.0 and Flex 3.0 final versions finally released today. Rather an odd thing as it seems I’ve been doing AIR projects for ages. One wonderful thing I noticed right away: after installing the Adobe AIR runtime file (short for Adobe Adobe Integrated Runtime runtime – redundancy aplenty in that […]

So I just signed up for an account with this new Flex based online spreadsheet/database application, blist (“web list”), and my first impression is that this is one hell of a sleek and sexy app. Haven’t actually played with it long enough to guage its usefulness or usability, but it sure is a purty thang. Among other things, […]

While living in Sicily a couple years back, I had the opportunity to visit the dilapidated, yet still standing, Abbey of Thelema in Cefalu. The house stands completely surrounded by trees in the shadow of a relatively new soccer (excuse me, I mean football) stadium. The murals orginally painted by Aleister Crowley, painted over by […]

Just happened to notice FlashDevelop 3.0.0 Beta 6 was released today. I love this software! A peek at the change log: * General UI and localization fixes and improvements * New Bookmarks panel added for an overview of all your open documents bookmarks * Captures Flash CS3 compiler errors in FD results panel when CS3 […]

Man, the papervision api keeps changing so rapidly, I should get frequent flier miles on my tortoiseSVN for all the downloads. It’s getting hard to keep up. In any case, though, I just had to play with the particle updates made to both the Great White and Effects branches on Feb 10. To do what I […]

Well, it was just brought to my attention that the youtube video downloader feature of my AIR .flv player, fPlayer, was broken. Doing a 2 minute Google search made it clear that Youtube had, once again, changed the obfuscation algorithm that hides their actual video files. Doing another Google search (about a half hour this time) showed […]

Not sure exactly how useful this effect may be, but here’s a little something I was playing around with and thought I’d share. Example: [kml_flashembed movie=”../wp-content/uploads/2008/01/sinewriterexample.swf” height=”400″ width=”500″ fversion=”9″ /] The Working Class: /** * SineWriter class writes out mess

Just a quick test to see if I can get this sliding thumbnail/image viewer thing to work in WordPress.. Here’s hoping… [kml_flashembed movie=”/wp-content/uploads/2008/01/thumbTack.swf” height=”100″ width=”500″ fversion=”9″ /]  Edit: Aha! it does work.. just tricky as hell to implement.. Carry on.. nothing to