One By One Design

Update to Website Generation Tool

For those unfamiliar with the AIR Website Generation Tool with the god awful name of Site GeneratAIR (still no good suggestions), check out this old post.

Whether familiar with it or not, it has now been updated to version 2.2.

New in the latest release:

  • Fixed a minor bug that made the dragged/dropped icons gargantuan on a Mac.
  • Removed the possibility of adding underscores or spaces to the DIV id names for strict doctype compliance (any other crazy characters are your own fault)
  • Includes Swffit 2.1
  • Includes SWFObject 2.2 (beta, so you’ll probably want to replace this when the official version is released)
  • Includes SWFAddress 2.3

You can install from the badge on the old blog page, or download the .air file directly here.

In other news, for anyone who uses the OBO F-Player but has been disappointed that the Youtube downloader quit working, well it should be working again now. No need to update – took care of everything on this end.

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